Principal: Shawna Collins
Shawna, a native of Columbus, has been serving St. Anthony Catholic School as its principal since July 2022. She is married to Paul Collins and is the mother of her two greatest accomplishments - Caitlyn and Calli. Mrs. Collins and her husband are members of St. Roch Catholic Church in Mentz, where they were married and raised their girls in the faith.
After their daughters graduated from St. Anthony Catholic School (SAS Classes of 2012 and 2016), they continued their Catholic education by attending high school at St. John XXIII College Preparatory in Katy, Texas. As part of her 26 years experience in education, Mrs. Collins has taught all subjects and grade levels ranging from first through eighth grades. She is an advocate of Catholic education and has a passion for teaching students in a Christian environment. This is why she has spent the last eleven years of her career at St. Anthony Catholic School, shaping our children into critical thinkers, academic achievers, and young 'disciples of Christ.'

Assistant Principal: Danette Cantu
Danette (SAS Class of 1984) and her husband, Ray, have four children who are all graduates of St. Anthony Catholic School. When Danette and Ray moved back to the Columbus area in 2000, they were grateful to bring their family back to our school community and to build their children’s education around the Catholic faith. Mrs. Cantu began volunteering as a parent and eventually signed on to teach at SAS in junior high twelve years ago. She feels grateful and blessed to be a part of the wonderful St. Anthony staff.